I just want to clear the air first that this is MY experience. I worked for a well established, well known beauty store and was hired for seasonal help. I already know it's going to seem a bit biased because of not getting hired full on, but I will go into that later. These opinions are my own. I apologize ahead of time for the long rant.
So in November, I got hired at a beauty store. For the sake of conversation, I'm not going to go into detail as to what store I worked for, I don't really think it adds on to mention. It can probably be assumed which one. Anyway, I got hired to work on. I sent in my resume and got a call back probably two days later. The interviewing process was two sessions, one with my direct managers and then one with the store director. It went well and the girls seemed extremely nice. My first "real" day was set to be black Friday, with no training what-so-ever. I felt pretty worthless because I wasn't trained on cash register and didn't feel like a big help. I was assigned to a certain area, and I wasn't allowed to leave to help customers or to point places out. After this day, I was around the permanent staff more. There were only a select few that actually made me feel welcomed/introduced themselves. Everyone else seemed to either ignore us seasonal girls, or treat us like complete shit (direct quote, REALLY, and this was on my last day working there!) "we don't have to take out the trash, the new girls can." So besides being new, I didn't really feel welcomed. A few days of working pass, and I'm still not trained to jump on the cash register. One day, three girls called out and it was literally me and one of the managers in. There was a line at the cash register, people needing help on the floor...and I was assigned to greet. I took my own initiative and jumped on to the register, NOT KNOWING A SINGLE THING about taking other people's money or anything, just because my manager seemed like she was going to cry. I worked my ass off, not knowing a damn thing but using common sense. Customers praised me, and my manger seemed extremely pleased with my work. Yet, my higher ups weren't informed and there was no talk about it ever again. They never understood that I didn't get proper training, I took the initiative, yet they didn't question it and allowed me to be on the cash register. My regional manager came in one day, and said she heard how awesome I was at greeting, stating that I was the best greeter she's ever been introduced to, and gave me a Starbucks gift card. I thought a thing like this meant I was on the right track. Fast forward, and one day I'm late for work. I had gotten lost at 6:30 in the morning not knowing my way (yeah, us seasonal girls obviously got the shit shifts. The day after Christmas, I had to be in by 5 AM.) I got bitched out for being late, the good work I've previously done and all I've been through completely forgotten. My management never forgave me for being late once, and quoted that for being the reason they didn't keep me. I understand that time management is key, but I never was late again. I got there early, asked if they needed help constantly, etc. Little did I know, my constant efforts after this one mistake would be forgotten. It was no used how good I was, how many extra shifts I picked up, how much I offered to do...they wouldn't forget that one damn time. I wish they had told me I didn't have a chance to redeem myself, because I think I kicked ass and did everything in my power to redeem myself (for ONE measly late). I asked my store director if I stood a chance, and she said "we love you Melissa. You're awesome and you do such a good job. Just be on time and you're set). I was never late again and to my knowledge, I had a good chance of staying. Normal seasonal employees stay till after Christmas returns. My last day was January 31st. After asking when we'd be notified, and we kept getting the same answer of "soon", I needed to make adjustments as if I were being kept. I changed my other job's schedule to only work two days (with the hopes I'd be hired on and completely stop working there), made my school schedule convenient for THEM. Two weeks into school and I'm finally let known of my decision. I get a call the day I'm supposed to work a 9pm-2am shift about three or four hours before my shift, and I'm told that I'm not being kept on. This was my last day of the week, and it was ultimately my last day. Are you serious, the DAY of, you tell me? I was absolutely stunned. I had done EVERYTHING they told me to do, and more. I constantly asked "I want to learn, what else can I do? What can I help with?" I had been dumbly fooled into thinking I was staying. I was told by at least five (we have a lot of management) higher ups that they were assured I was staying. I was dumbfounded. I yoyo'ed between going in for my last shift and just saying "F it." I decided to go in, not to leave a bad note and because there was a promised bag of free items for seasonal employees. I held my head high and worked through my last shift like a tough cookie. I was extremely upset, with a puffy face and red eyes from crying, but I didn't bad talk or act negatively. It was so hard, but I'm glad I did it, for myself. Overall, my experience wasn't that great. I don't think I'll be shopping at this store anymore, even though it pains me because it was my favorite store of all time. Knowing how they treat employees, I just can't. I know that seasonal employees are supposed to take the brunt of shitty hours and shitty treatment during holiday hours, but there's just a level of respect that wasn't there. I wish I could've had a different experience, after reading reviews that this was a positive environment and that it was a great place to work for. I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason, and that I have bigger and better things to do for myself. They never gave me a chance to show my potential (because I was a seasonal employee, I wasn't really supposed to help customers with beauty selections or to do makeup applications on them). I think someone will appreciate me and give me a chance to grow with them, unlike with this company who goes about things the wrong was and gives their employees false hope. One of the ladies I really liked was there for seven years, and was never given the opportunity to apply for a higher position. She voiced her opinion like they say to do, and they always shot her down. To me, that's not somewhere worth crying about in the long run. I'm going to have to bust my butt and go a different route. If I had been hired as a permanent employee from the beginning, maybe things would have been different for me, but my experience working here was unheartening and extremely upsetting.
By the way, products they promised us at the end of the season? TERRIBLE. Literally samples. Thanks for the big F you, ______!
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So sorry you had to go through this! I know the store you are speaking of because I have a lot of friends who have endured your same struggles...hope you find something much better!